


I have just joined Freeletics. I am taking this to the next level. This high intensity training program uses bodyweight only. Designed for both men and women ALL OVER THE WORLD, anytime and anywhere. It's fitness beyond imagination. No excuses. 


Please join me.  I am doing the Freeletics (cardio program) 15 week transformation challenge so please CLICK HERE and join me. You won't regret it. 

Here are some amazing transformations thus far....

For those women that are struggling with post pregnancy weight, read my below my weight loss program I used 2008-2012. 

I constantly get people asking me how I manage to find time to exercise, cook healthy and eat clean 80% of the time with 4 kids under 7. When I respond to them that I only workout 15 minutes per day with the Fit Yummy Mummy system they are simply amazed. Even much so when I tell them I eat 5-6 meals per day. I am not on any diet. 

This was our lifestyle and new way of living. Healthy.

I have also participated in various FYM Transformation Challenges throughout the years and heavily rely on the Transformation Kit. These workouts totally get me motivated and my body gets an entire workout. Should you wish to obtain a copy I am able to offer a $50 discount. It is jam packed with 12 weeks worth of DVD's, meal planners, coaching calls and lots lots more!!! It even enables you to trial Clubfym for 30 days FOR FREE! Check it out here.

Otherwise you may just want to purchase the SPECIAL 50% OFF Fit Yummy Mummy fat loss system ebook on my link at $19.95. This also includes a FREE 30 day trial at Clubfym. Should you be interested in following me and getting the results I have. 

Paying a Clubfym $19.95 monthly subscription you will receive:

  • a NEW "Workout Of The Month" plus "Do it like this" videos!! 
  • hundreds of articles & various discussions and topics in the forums about health, recipes, how to and personal one-on-one training tips from Holly herself! 
  • private discussions with like minded women about your progress, articles relating to Fat Loss for Busy Mums including workouts, nutrition and motivation
  • Success stories from REAL women (yes that includes me) and not just some air brushed model or celeb on a mag
There is so much more I can write about Fit Yummy Mummy but instead why don't you take up this exclusive 50% discount off the FYM fat loss system ebook and experience Clubfym for 30 days FOR FREE!!!!! You won't be disappointed!

It's the best 60 cents you will ever spend on a daily basis!!!! Not a bad investment on being healthy and looking good on the inside and out? Especially being time poor with 4 children, I find it difficult to go to the gyms so working out in the comfort of our own home is IDEAL!!

Just to showcase, here is how I got my body back after having 4 babies using the FYM system. It truly does works. 

Check out MY before and after pics....

Pregnancy number 1
Here is me in 2006.... I thought I was content with my life and weighing over 90kgs AKA 200lbs with the unhealthy food choices with no exercise regime in my life whatsoever....

Noah was born 08/08/05

Until I wanted my sexy back or rather my post baby body back! That's when I discovered the Fit Yummy Mummy system and it changed MY life and my families FOREVER. We live a lot more healthier and have so much more energy and zest for life!!!!

Pregnancy number 2

Before Nov 07 After Jan 09

read more info here Pregnancy number 3 

Before Jan 10 Afer Dec 10

read more info here Pregnancy number 4 

Before Sept 2011 After April 2012

I do hope you join Clubfym as you will receive 50% off the FYM fat loss system ebook and trial the club for 30 days for FREE!!! Your new YOU is waiting for you there!!! 

Please leave me a comment as I would love to hear from you xx Dani


NB: Before starting any new diet and exercise program please check with your doctor and clear any/or diet changes with them before beginning. I am not a registered fitness instructor or registered dietician. I do not provide medical aid or nutrition for the purpose of health or disease and claim to be a fitness instructor or dietician. 

This is merely my blog, my new healthy and fit lifestyle journey that I wish to share with you all. I am not liable, either expressly or in an implied manner, nor claim any responsibility for any emotional or physical problems that may occur directly or indirectly from this reading this blog. 


  1. Hi Dani!

    Lovely to meet you and thanks so much for calling by my blog and saying hi. Thanks too for the feedback - I haven't been blogging all that long but am loving it.

    Good on you for taking the plunge - it's exciting isn't it!! I had a really quick stop by your blog yesterday and can't wait to get back there when I have some more time - what an amazing journey you've had - the no sugar thing is such a winner isn't it and for you to lose 30kg is awesome :) I lost heaps of weight cutting out sugar but after some major surgery last November too much of it has crept back on - I'll certainly be looking to your site for some inspiration.

    As we are both pretty new bloggers if you're interested in sharing bits of the blogging journey together let me know - my friends etc have been really encouraging and supportive too but sometimes it'd be nice to have the ear of someone who's doing it too. Maybe we can do a guest post for one another?

    Take care and hope to hear from you soon
    Shari x

    1. Absolutely Shari!!!!!! So sorry it's taken me this long to reply, i didn't realise I could go into the comments section to view all the comments and those that are still pending my response. I typically receive it via my email but had dramas with it a couple of days ago hence missing this post. Let's catch up offline to work out our features in our blogs, what a great idea. I will also follow you so my readers can see your blog and vice versa. Thanks for following me on Twitter as well. I've done the same, let me know if I'm doing that right as well??? xxxDani

  2. Not sure how I found this little nugget of internet gold, but I am thankful that I did. Your blog is very motivational to me and I hope you'll be able to continue it for some time.

    1. I thank YOU so much Katie!!! So happy to read that I am able to motivate you and for sure I'll be sticking around if these are the responses I am getting. So happy to be doing what I am doing and having wonderful readers like yourself supporting me!! XxDani

  3. Hi! Cool blog! I have 3 boys and try really hard to look good. Your blog is very encouraging. I am new to blogging ( is not as fancy as yours but the words are from the heart. I wish you & your family (and your blog) many many blessings!:)

  4. Thank you so so much!!! I look forward to coming by your blog. So happy you found me and hope you come again soon XxDani

  5. hi dear

    would like to ask you what kind of exercise did you do for your saddlebags

    1. Saddlebags? I have never heard of the term? ;-)

      The FYM workout targets your entire body and unfortunately you cannot spot reduce specific problem areas. It's an entire body transformation and simply works!!! Xx Dani

  6. Hi Dani, all you do is 15mins a day of exercise really? Also it's quite expensive eating healthy that's not an excuse I have 3 kids and I'm a solo parent. I find it quite expensive trying to buy foods that are healthy and clean. I am 26 and weigh 74kg and am 163cm I would like to loose 12kg. I have tried bodytrim, lite n easy and weight watchers I don't want another fad diet. What's so different from this eating lifestyle then others?

    1. Hiya, I'm not sure why you feel healthy living is expensive. I find take away food and buying food on the fly is much more expensive. I make sure I shop at ALDI and stock up on all my fresh product there in bulk and then top up any other products missing.

      Yes, I do only do 15 minutes of resistance training one day and 15 minutes of interval training the next. I never exceed 90 minutes per week.

      Anything is possible if you really want to make the change in your life. I found when our kids went to bed, I was able to incorporate my exercise regime. Also when I used to work, I woke up at 5am did my 15 minutes and then off to work by 6am and travelled for 2hrs. It's all a mind set babe, you set the rules and follow them.

      There are never any limits - EVER

  7. Hi Dani. What do u do in 15mins per day that worth it. I really appreciate u and want to ask u,which fitness program u follow and which exercises u are doing. Congs and good luck to u! U are amazing strong woman! Go ahead,keep it up.

    1. Hello darling, yes please click on the link above or use the side banner and get yourself the 50% discount Fit Yummy Mummy ebook. You will not regret it. I have been following this system for the past 6 years and with eating healthy and 15 minutes of working out suits me just fine with 4 kids under 7 years.

      Some of the exercise examples are; body weight lunges, squats, dumb bell thrusts etc....many different combination. All the info is in the book!

      Let me know how you go xxDani

  8. Is it only available in ebook? Dont owe computer/laptop at the moment. With healthy eating do you follow their program or just uour own? How do you work out the food (dont want to say DIET as i dont believe in them) because there are many competitive diet out there, saying not to eat that or that blah, blah. Its so confusing, thought food pyramid is healthy like for eg to eat yogurt, low fat milk, healthy bread and fruits etc. Many said fruits are bad cos of natural sugar? Bread is a big no cos carbs and processed food? Etc if you know whati mean?so how did you know if your food is correct without worrying? I worry too much and end up binge..
    I want to be able to enjoy food too and be able to bake with the kids etc. Know of a good recipes for kids with nuts and egg allergic?

  9. i like your articles , Some studies even show that regular intense exercise helps increase bone density, an essential factor in preventing osteoporosis.. , you must read this great article about 7 Foods You Must Eat For Pre and Post Workout

  10. I am not a mom but the FYM Transformation Kit sounds really tempting, would it work for me?

    1. Regardless if you have had children or not Clubfym has women doing this program so it's based around nutrition, resistance and interval training. I highly recommend it and have been following this program for the past 6 years.

      I hope this helps

      xx Dani

  11. Hi Danni,
    I follow you on Instagram and find you very inspirational. Can I ask if the fit yummy mummy is good for people who need to lose 10-15 kilos? I also have 5 kids, the most recent 2 are twins and I am struggling so much t lose the 10 kilos I put on with them. 15 minutes a day sounds so achievable given the little amount of time I actually have.


    1. The Fit Yummy Mummy system is fabulous for anyone! I am currently using this and have been over the past 6 years. Maintaining your physique is harder than losing the 10-15kgs but everything is doable if you are consistent. If it's in your budget the $19 FYM ebook has ALL the tools you will need to get your healthy body back!! Let me know if I can help any further xx Dani

  12. 4 Kids. Not 5. Yikes.

  13. Hello Dani,

    I really appreciate you and thanks for sharing about which fitness program you follow and which exercises you are doing in 15mins per day that worth it.

    Keep Posting!
    Personal trainer for fitness

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Hi Dani (:

    I started following your instagram account a couple of weeks ago and it really motivated me to get started on a healthy life style.

    I started doing some exercises as well. I like doing squats and lunges etc. I don´t overdo it, warm up before and stretch after but the next day I always got such a bad muscle pain, my legs really, really hurt.

    I was just wondering if this is rather normal and I just have to keep going for a bit and it´ll get better or if I do anything wrong.

    Maybe you have any kinds of tip for me?
    That would be lovely!

    xx Julia

    1. Hello Julia, depending on your fitness level your muscle awareness may be just switched on that little bit more. I remember when I started working out it was like a shock to my system. Take things easy and listen to your body. Don't go too hard otherwise you will be too sore the following day. You also need to take a break from fitness and allow your muscles to grow and repair xxDani

  16. Just a question...
    I purchased the ebook today and have begun to look through it but was wondering if you used the protein powder and supplements she used or do you have one that you recommend? I am also in Australia so if there's products you think are as good locally I'd prefer to shop in Australia.

    1. Hello Cara, great question. I opted out of Prograde purely due to shipping cost and some of the products were not able to be shipped. If you go to my home page click on the 180 Nutrition banner, there you can read ALL about the natural goodness that protein powder offers in both chocolate and coconut flavours. Should you choose to purchase it, please use my exclusive 10% promo code 264464 as I prefer this ALL natural product as oppose to the majority synthetic fillers other protein companies use. Keep me posted with your transformation and take a before shot so I can share it on Transformation Tuesday xxDani

  17. Thanks Dani.
    I just ordered a sample pack to try it out. It certainly sounds like what I'm looking for.
    I'll keep you posted on my progress!
    Thanks again

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  19. I've been following your blog for a little time but never posted a comment. Your blog is very inspirational and motivating.
    I really appreciate you and thanks for sharing about which fitness program you follow and which exercises you are doing in 15 mins per day that worth it.

    Maitland Bootcamp


Thank you so much for your comment, I love it! I will reply back as soon as I can.

Much love Xx Dani