
Monday, 17 February 2014

Fig and Pear walnut salad

Over the weekend while the boys were at the footy, us girls were cooking in the kitchen. We had bought some beautiful fresh figs and pears at the supermarket which inspired me to make this attractive salad which has a wonderful mix of flavours. Served along side some quinoa encrusted chicken schnitzels, we were in heaven. However I love this salad on it's own and I can't get enough!

It also brings back a lot of childhood memories of me eating figs from my Mothers garden.

Fig and pear salad

3-4 figs
1 pear
500gms rocket salad
handful of toasted walnuts
1 large cube of Persian feta
1tbs honey
2tbs olive oil
Squeeze of a lime

Fresh figs and pear

Whisk olive oil, lime juice and honey and put aside. Wash fruit and slice figs in quarters and pears finely. Add them into the dressing to absorb all that gorgeousness. Wash salad throughly and place in a bowl or platter, preheat a frypan and gently toast walnuts. Allow to cool. Gently remove figs and pears and arrange on the rocket salad. Drizzle the remaining dressing, crumble the feta and sprinkle walnuts ontop.

This is pure heaven, right here.


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Thank you so much for your comment, I love it! I will reply back as soon as I can.

Much love Xx Dani