
Sunday, 26 May 2013

Richard Branson will you ride with us to conquer cancer?

I need everyone's support.
Please LIKE this Facebook picture

Please like this picture HERE

Hello everyone, you may remember my post HERE about my surprise photo shoot? My lovely friends at Lorna Jane were super kind to let me wear their active gear for a photo shoot I was doing for Richard Branson.

I have signed up for something very amazing. Yes. It's truly amazing. I am riding with thousands of cyclists to conquer cancer once and for all.

Our sensational captain Klaus Bartosch along with other phenomenal cyclists are called THE VISION CRUSADERS. We are attempting something that has never been done before. We are all dreamers and I have been told I can't do this but you know what? I WILL DO THIS!!!! 200kms, 6 races nationwide (and New Zealand) and per person we need $2,500 per ride to enter the fundraiser. I will do Every. Single. Ride. The Grand Slam and need your support as I start my campaign.

Here they all are!!!!

Rides to be Completed and seeking sponsorship:

(click on links for details or to donate)

Ride to Conquer Cancer (Brisbane) August 17-18*
Ride to Conquer Cancer (Perth) October 19-20
Ride to Conquer Cancer (Melbourne) October 26-27
Ride to Conquer Cancer (Auckland) November 17-18

*$2,500 raised and qualified ride

To sponsor my final ride in Adelaide November 30th & December 1 CLICK HERE

So what's this cycling stuff really all about? Well here is a letter to the amazing man himself who inspired me as a young adult "Whatever business you are in, every company can shoot for the stars in their own way".

Sir Richard Branson will you come ride with us?

So here's me shooting for the highest star out there.....

Dear Sir Richard

My name is Daniela and I'm a fitness blogger based in Australia. My blog is only young and I've 80,000 people following me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest. I love that my food and fitness challenges are inspiring others worldwide to make great changes in their lives, much like reading your Screw it, Let's Do it did for me 7 years ago. Thank you!

Currently I'm involved in a massively exciting campaign to fight cancer, a cause I have great passion for. I've joined with an amazing team of cyclists - all ordinary people, some cancer survivors - and we are riding to rid the world of Cancer. It's a big and bold goal but our team is determined to make a difference through completing all 6 of the Ride to Conquer Cancer events being held across Australia and in New Zealand this year.

Our team -  Vision Crusaders Grand Slam - will ride in all 6 of the RTCC events this year which will mean more than 1200km,  pedaling over 12 days through August to November. Each rider has to raise at least $15,000 plus cover their travel costs, and to date there are 27 riders wanting to ride in the Grand Slam team. There's expected to be total of around 12,000 cyclists participate across the 6 rides. Awesome, don't you think?

During your visit here in Australia, I'm hoping that you might help us do what could become your biggest achievement yet, helping to rid the world of cancer! Can you imagine how wonderful a world with out cancer would be!

Completing the RTCC Grand Slam is a massive challenge and we already have some Virgin brands supporting us, but knowing that you are personally contributing your interest would ensure that we actually pull it off. Primarily what I am asking is to have your encouragement but cheekily this is an invitation to have you join us for one or all of these rides as a member of our Vision Crusaders Grand Slam team. Are you keen?

I do hope that this is something you might consider and I look forward to hearing from you.

Much love and friendship from Australia,
Daniela Stevens 

Thank you for your time my beautiful friends. Please LIKE this page and picture. I want to reach 1 million likes and make a YouTube video to follow up with this picture to Sir Richard Branson.

Please like our Facebook Book page Vision Crusaders Grand Slam


PS: for those wondering why I am doing this? I don't want to be a statistic. I have had family members die and thankfully others survived. I need you to help me so we can raise as much ridiculous funds to conquer cancer once and for all. For those reading this and know of any sponsors that would love to personally sponsor me, please email me with the subject title: CHARITY SPONSORSHIP. I will love you FOREVER!!!!

Proudly sponsored by


  1. Love it! I hope you get there!! X

    1. Thank you so much, it is a work in progress but I know I will hear from him. Thanks for all your support xxDani

  2. Good Luck! I hope you achieve your goal!

    1. Thank you so much Robert! I'm not going to call it luck, but hard work to reach my goal and Richard!!!!

      Keep you posted xx Dani

  3. Good luck! Need more people like you in the world who are TRUE go getters!

    1. No luck here baby, hard work all the way until I reach my goal. Thanks for all your love and support xxDani

  4. all the best with your ride for cancer!

    1. Thanks Nick, I hope you have liked the page to help me reach 1 million likes!!! Xx Dani

  5. A sensational cause and a massive team effort! Hope Sir Richard pedals alongside you, Dani! Go get 'em! xx

  6. Great cause! Hope Richard Branson gets on board! You are inspiring:):)

    1. Thanks Marce, fingers crossed he is reading this now and is just hanging to get back to me and say YES!!! ;-) xx Dani

  7. Living proof that magic happens!
    DD x

    1. Indeed. There are no limits- EVER!!! xx Dani

  8. I say good luck but I know you work hard and you WILL reach your goal with your sheer will and determination. You are an inspiration to us all, and a beautiful person.

    You've got my vote! And to sir Richard Branson, you'd be crazy not to. Just saying ;-)

    1. How beautiful are you!!! thank you so much for all your love and support it means the world to me xx Dani

  9. Good luck Dani! A huge goal, but if anyone can do I'm sure that you can!

    1. Thank you so much Kate, I am a goal seeker and always up for a challenge. Hoping Richard is the same ;-)

      xx Dani

  10. Good Luck Dani :-) As you know it's a cause so close to my heart with my hubby xxx
    Awesome job and i vote x 1000000000000000 and more if i can <3 love love love what you are doing you rock!!!!

    1. Thank you baby and for everyone commenting, it means the world to me that you support me and I can't wait to hear from Richard xx Dani

  11. Wow, you are such an inspiration Dani. With your determination and positive attitude, if anyone can achieve this, it is you! Cancer is becoming such a common thing, and having recently lost a loved one to it and knowing others still fighting it, this is such an important cause to support. Come on Sir Richard Branson, help Dani in her goal to kick cancer's butt! Go Dani xxx

    1. Thank you Jodie, I will be pedalling for those lives lost, those fighting today and families impacted by this dreadful disease. Your kind words mean the world to me and I can't wait to hear from Richard !!! xx Dani

  12. legendary stuff dani. keep it up. way to throw the challenge down

    1. Thanks Kai, looking forward to riding with you xx Dani

  13. Go Dani!
    Sir Richard, the challenge is upon you, will you step up and help conquer cancer? The Vision Crusaders are a great bunch of like-minded cancer warriors. Will you accept the challenge and ride with us?

    We are a family of unique individuals with a wonderful dream, make it your dream and meet us on the start line.

    -Matt L

    1. Let's hope he makes ALL our dreams come true Matt and ride along side THE VISION CRUSADERS GRAND SLAM TEAM!!!! Woo hoooo!!! XxDani

  14. Dear Dani,

    Your drive and focus inspires me every day! I believe Sir Richard will join you on this ride.
    Good luck!


    1. I believe so too. This is what dreams are made of xx Dani

  15. Dani!! I am uber proud of your determination and goal driven attitude. You are not only walking towards your greatness, you have embraced it. I know you can do this, your mind set is strong. All my best and I look forward to seeing you and Richard looking arms to beat this disease!
    ~ Marloes ~ xx

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, love and support. YOU ARE ALL AMAZING and are the reason why I do what I do!! You keep me motivated and reaching my goals with you all by my side is how this all happens xx Dani

  16. Fingers and toes crossed!!!!

    1. Everyone is doing that right about now, let's just wait and see what Richard has to say!!! Xx Dani

  17. Good luck! This is a wonderful mission!! Cancer is everywhere and we need to stop it. The cure is out there. Thanks for mentioning his book, I'll buy it because it inspired you so!

    1. Alice I am so glad you will be buying Richards book, it is the pinnacle of what has made me believe that dreams/goals can come true. Thank you so much for all your support xxDani

  18. A BIG congratulations to Dani for having the determination and commitment to a cause she feels so strongly about! I am sending a wish on the winds to Sir Richard Branson that he reads this plea for his support and is moved to act. Your involvement and presence Sir Richard would give the fundraising efforts of ALL involved with the Ride to Conquer Cancer a much needed BOOST and you could potentially impact on many lives. Love to you and Dani and the whole team behind The Vision Crusaders xo Nicolina, Brisbane

    1. You my friend are amazing and I thank Geoff for introducing us and I look forward to meeting you one day REAL soon xx Dani

  19. Hope you get there buddy, love the way you are mapping out a just goal as this

    1. Thank you Obasi, I am a BIG dreamer and can't wait to have this one become a reality. Watch this space xxDani

  20. Big audacious goals! Massive positive energy! Solving the problems of the world! Ambush marketing! Inspiring others! Improving everyone's health!

    Am I talking about Dani or Sir Richard Branson?

    Sir Richard, this invitation to you by Dani on behalf of the Vision Crusaders team ( is big, bold and beautiful. Join us in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide or Auckland......or if you are up to it.......all 6 rides!

    have an epic impact. Help us end cancer by driving maximum attendance and interest in these Ride to Conquer Cancer rides across Australia, New Zealand and indeed Canada where they began 6 years ago. In total, over $300m has been raised by these rides to conquer cancer. What could possibly be more important than finding a cure that takes 1 in 3 people in the world from us?


    1. Both! And yes, lets make some noise so Richard too comes and rides with us. Experiencing this epic journey together and how much fun are we going to have camping under the stars??? One BIG LOVE, ONE HEART, ONE DESTINY and comradeship right there! I can't wait!!! xx Dani

  21. Please join us Sir Richard Branson.

    This is an amazing bunch of people who would love to see you ride with us. Your a very inspirational man and we would love to ride beside you on any of the rides around Australia or NZ.

    Cheers, Charityrider-Sharon

    1. Thanks for stopping by Sharon, I can't wait to ride beside you xx Dani

  22. Chris Hennessey27 May 2013 at 08:56

    C'mon Sir Richard Branson!
    We are being innovative, thinking outside the box and reaching for goals that others consider impossible....all the things you stand for!!
    We are doing something that has never been done before and making a difference in this world.
    Please ride with us.
    How can you possibly say "No?"
    Go Dani and go Vision Crusaders!!!


      Exactly Richards words "SCREW IT, LETS DO IT!"

      Can't wait to ride with you xx Dani

  23. Sir Richard- Please accept our invitation and join us on our Ride to Conquer Cancer!

    As a cancer researcher (melanoma), I know first hand of the importance of the funds raised through this ride and the impact it can make. These funds go towards research that will progress our understanding of how cancer occurs, leading to the development of new treatment strategies that will increase patient survival. Everyone can make an impact to conquer cancer- will you join us and help us inspire others to know that we can make a difference?

    Dr. Ken Dutton-Regester, Vision Crusaders team member

    1. Thank you Ken for stopping by. Lets reach for the stars, this great cause needs ALL the the awareness it can get, to get the funding we need for research to finally say good riddance CANCER!!! XxDani

  24. On the weekend, I celebrated 15,000 km on the bike that I bought because my oncologist prescribed exercise. My goal is to celebrate 20,000 km on this bike (known as The Lymphominator) during the Brisbane RTCC in August, which will be the 4th anniversary of being diagnosed with Lymphoma. Crazy, audacious, aiming high?? It's about making a difference by raising funds to support cancer research to help someone else.

    Sir Richard, please join us and share in these rides, to encourage more people to raise the bar and reach for the skies.

    Robert Dixon
    (AKA The Woo Hoo guy)

    1. You are the WOO HOO guy and I can't wait to WOO HOO you when I meet you! Well done on achieving something truly amazing.

      I will be super proud riding beside you my friend.

      xx Dani

  25. I'm so proud of this effort, Dani! I know you are all about wellness and fit living, but this shows from the heart the love that you have for people all around the world. Cancer is huge, but with efforts like this, we can find a cure. Thank you for caring, thank you for taking a stand, and thank you for encouraging all of us! I am truly blessed by all you do....


    1. Susan, one word BLESSED!!!!

      You are truly one amazing woman and I am thankful for the day we met. I love you xx Dani

  26. Love your blog good luck 2 you love


Thank you so much for your comment, I love it! I will reply back as soon as I can.

Much love Xx Dani