
Monday, 6 May 2013

Fitness Food And Style Photo A Day Challenge - Day 6. back

I'm bring sexy back! 

I hope you know that song as I am quietly chuckling as I type this :-) if not click the hyperlink above.

Back and shoulder pose 

Photo A Day Challenge word prompts are found here if you are visiting here for the first time. I would love for you to join us.

Speaking of backs, I have been having a little bit of difficulties with my back lately. Taking things easy with my workouts.  Also trying to use my legs and do more squat like poses when I am bending down. Life can get busy when you don't have enough sleep, looking after sick babies and running a household of 6 people. However you just push on. Listen to your body and rest when you can.

Here's my fantastic four faves;

#ffsphotoaday Fitness Food And Style

I need your help !!

For my Australian readers, have you had a chance to register and enter the competition? More info can be found by clicking here.

This competition is not trying to sell you something but rather give you the chance to get 12 months free private health insurance for some genuine feedback. is an online booking system that enables you to access health specialists via the web or a smartphone application when it suits you. Simply go online and select the type of physician you require and choose the (or desired), appointment time. The registration is aimed at growing awareness and more importantly support to encourage healthcare professionals in your area to get onboard for this revolutionary service.

Help me and to get this great cause off the ground by simply registering and who knows, you may be the lucky winner for your effort.

Thanks everyone for all your love and support, I look forward to reading your comments below XxDani

1 comment:

  1. A great and much inspirational blog so as to loose weight by working out same as in a gym.
    Jump Ropes


Thank you so much for your comment, I love it! I will reply back as soon as I can.

Much love Xx Dani