
Friday, 15 February 2013

Push ups and greens challenge in March

Are you ready for another brand new challenge coming up in March?

I thought seen as most of the world is familiar with St Patricks Day why not get everyone to do some push ups and green it up a little!!!!

St Patricks Day push ups and greens challenge

I will do a bit more research and have more information coming soon but for now let me know your thoughts on the challenge and whether you are in? Please ensure you subscribe to my blog so you don't miss any updated posts! 

NB: Always check your spam folders as your confirmation to my blog from Feed burner will need to be activated

Push ups

Push ups challenge 100 in one month

How many push ups can you do? Regardless of mens or female style, a push up is still a push up so I want everyone to give this a go!! If I am consistent I can typically do 5 push ups straight, that's it! I'm thinking 100 push ups by the end of the month!!! I'm even scared just thinking about it!!! But I REALLY want to do it and I REALLY want YOU to do it with me!!! Besides can you imagine our arms in a lovely singlet dress top and just tops in general minus the wobbly part ;-)

Push ups are the most traditional and most effective exercise to strengthen your arms and build definition in your upper body and back. I want us to learn the different variety ones, from incline to decline, on a fit ball, wide grip, close grip you name it!!  


Fully Raw Kristina recipe here

Also with the greens, I want us to explore ANYTHING green related. Be it raw (I am absolutely loving Kristina and her gorgeous pics from Fully Raw and I can't wait to try her recipes with you all next month!) blended, juiced, smoothies, steamed WHATEVER!!!! Lets just increase our greens for the St Patricks Day theme. 1 serve of greens per day, what do you think??

Why greens? For the amazing MAGIC substance Chlorophyll!!!! which is what the plant uses to capture and store the energy from sunlight! Without this mechanism there would be no life on earth as every living thing directly or indirectly derives its energy from plant sources!!!

Fully raw green boxes

Besides I want us all to shine and see how much our skin glows with this challenge!!!!!

Leave me your feedback below as I would love to get this challenge started and ready for kick off on the 1st March.......have a sensational weekend!

♥ Dani 


  1. Can't wait when we start with this challenge :-)
    By the way, I usually do 3 sets of 15 push ups :-) so maybe will be great to increase them from 100 to ...? What do you think Dani?

    1. WOW!!! You are a machine!!! Yes this is the type of feedback I need. So for those that are consistent with their push ups perhaps their goal for this challenge is to increase by 5! I think every 2nd day or 3 days per week (with a rest day in between) should be achievable.

      What do you think?


  2. If we do the easier version of push ups with knees on the floor, does that still count?
    Loved last month's challenge, by the way! It was the first of your challenges that I attempted and I'm so glad and I'm sure I'll be doing every challenge from now on :)

    1. Absolutely Sneha!!! As mentioned above, I don't mind if we do the female knee version or we get stronger and can do the mens style. There are so many ways to do push ups so I am looking forward to sharing them with you xx

      So glad you are on board with the push ups and greens challenge!!! Much love, Dani

  3. Hola Dani. Very excited about the new challenge. Push ups are very hard to me so that's why this is a very interesting challenge to me. About greens, say that i love them a lot and this is an opportunity to learn new recipes. I've cooked the chocolate cake you post at the blog, and i only can say DELICIOUS¡¡¡¡¡ You can see a photo of it in IG, @9anubis.
    Have a good weekend.
    Kisses from Spain.

    1. Ola Vero!!!! Super happy you are excited about next months challenge!!! I too am very weak when it comes to push ups but when I am consistent I can do 5 proper ones. However to date, I can barely do one!!! That's why I am on a mission to get back my strength and just be a bit more consistent.

      I am soooo happy you loved the cake, it looked amazing on IG!!! Bravo!!!! Happy Sunday gorgeous and read soon xxDani

  4. Hey Dani, Ill be super keen to start this challenge. Im a new mamma and need to kick start my health & body strength after giving all my energy to my babyboy who's now 4month's old....will be watching this space for sure...Im super impressed with your blogs on instagram, Im a massage therapist & love your approach to life on body awareness...keep up the great work for a life that's positively glowing!!!!.x

    1. I love reading these posts!!! So I thank you from the bottom of my heart as sometimes I feel what do I really have to offer out there??? I am grateful for like minded people that allow me to do what I do THANK YOU!!!

      Looking forward to next months challenge and thank you soooo much for posting. I love it!!! XxDani

  5. I'm in for the pushups part of the challenge. I will need to work on my greens consumption, it's a little lacking. Bring on March 1st!

  6. Thanks for sharing! I've been going to the gym since last week due to my weight problems and these food suggestions are great for me as I really want to reduce my food intakes. My alternative cancer center advices me to continue the same as I lost 7 lbs in one week! :)

    1. That's awesome Kim, hope you enjoy next months challenge as we can workout on the push ups exercises 3x per week and focus on increasing our greens per day!!! XxDani

  7. Awesome challenge Dani!! You are so inspiration. Never fail to make me want to 'suitup' and get my but moving :)

    1. Thank you Caz!!!! And AWESOME! So glad you've managed to make a comment finally :-) I am still working on removing that option.

      So happy you can join our challenge next month and can't wait to finally meet you!!!!! XxDani

  8. Just dropping back to check out the comment thingy for you. If you see this you'll know it means it's all better :)

    1. YAY!!! That's terrific! Lets see if I get more comments now that this has been removed. Thanks for double checking with me xxDani

  9. Hey Dani! I just came across your blog and this is exactly the kind of motivation that I need. I'm 20 years old and mommy of a gorgeous babyboy. I started doing regular workouts a while ago, but I'm a bit slacking, so I found you just in time! My little boy is six months old and I feel like I have an "old woman's body"...
    I generally dislike push-ups very much, but I used to be able to do about hundred as a kid (thanks to karate lessons) and now I can barely do one properly, so count me in on this challenge! And this household could definitely use some more greens.

    X Nena

    1. AWESOME Nena!!! So glad you stumbled upon my blog and I look forward to doing this challenge with you. Between you and I, I can barely do one proper push up but I know I can do 5 proper ones with consistency. Now only to do 100 by the end of March!!!! WE CAN DO THIS babe!!! XxDani

  10. Love this challenge! Thank you for thinking of these great challenges and inspiring me to participate!

  11. Thats great idea...but still I'm thinking, I'll change my challenge to 250 :-)

    1. Ha! Ha! I love it Eva!!!! My husband is doing an app push up challenge as well with us and his personal goal is 216 (which will mean a total of 2664 push ups!!!!) YOU GUYS ARE CRAY-ZY!!! AND I LOVE IT!!!! XxDani

  12. You can count me in on this one!

    1. YAY!!!! So glad Tel, I've tried going on your page but no longer? I hope you are well my friend xxDani

    2. Oh, yes, things are great! I'm just thinking of revamping my blog and moving it over to Blogger, more for ease of use than anything else. I still have Wordpress for another blog, but it's a bit cumbersome. Plus, ever since I started following you on Facebook, I've been getting most of my updates through there. Now, tell me: Can we count green beers on 3/17? :D

    3. Ha! HA!!! Yes of course you may indulge in a green bevy on St Pat's Day :-) xxDani

  13. Hi Dani,

    I always love reading your blog posts & looking @ your FB & IG pics. They are all awesome & inspiring not to mention the amazing apps that you are using to take those pics. May I know what apps are you using to create something like your IG photo for #IGyourday?

    What I love most about your blog is you are so real in terms of a normal busy full time SAHM to 4 gorgeous children & yet you are inspiring us all to be, create & do more and be the best version of ourselves. Thank you for inspiring me...I am also a full time SAHM, although only have 1 boy so far, so shouldn't be as busy as you are, however I have to admit that I am kind of lack of motivation at times & like to procrastinate when it comes to exercising! Not good, I usual sometimes you know what to do, but not necessarily do what you know.

    I know my goal is to lose 5 kg back to 53-54 kg mark, and toned up since I managed to lost 18 kg last time after giving birth, but since I let it slack, I have gained the extra 4 kg back.

    So, YES...I will endeavor to do my best & join you in this March challenge.

    1. Hello gorgeous Marta thank you for your kind words and I am so happy to read that my journey is assisting you to a better healthier and fit lifestyle. My font apps I use are FONTO and OVER (gram). Looking forward to doing another challenge with you xxDani

  14. Yes please! I've been working out incessively and eating what I thought was healthy and nothing is working...this is what I need! HELP ME...I'm tracking on instagram too! Feel free to track with me! :) - carlimatrisian

  15. Hello Carli, so glad you have come over here and yes I will track your IG pics. Please include my hash tag #fitnessfoodandstyle so I am able to view your pictures and make comments. Looking forward to doing the push ups and greens challenge with you xxDani

  16. Hello dani.. im really excited 4 this new challenge I love the idea of combining healthy food with a bit of exercise challenge. . Cant wait

    1. Awesome!! I am so super excited you are joining us. Please ensure you subscribe so you never miss a post xxDani

  17. I am very excited to try this challenge! I can barely get out 5 female pushups... it's pretty sad but I am determined to change that!

    1. Same here. I am sick of excuses and want to see what consistency brings, we can do this!!! XxDani

  18. Hello Dani!

    My name is Erica, this will be my first challenge, i follow you on instagram and you have inspired me to get off my lazy behind and do something about my health and fitness. For this challenge i am going to take before and after pictures and i want to continue this challenge way after the month of March is over. Ill keep reading your blog to keep up with you.
    Thank you for the inspiration (:

    1. AWESOME ERICA!!!! So happy to read and you will be simply amazed by your transformation in one month if you exercise regularly, eat healthy and of course participate in our March challenge :-) so glad you are making start as I too was the same lazy person sitting on the couch every night wondering why I wasn't' getting rid of my problem areas.

      I look forward to your comments over our challenge xxDani

  19. Hi Dani!
    Please count me in! Already did push ups this morning - 10 straight on foot. I want to do 100, so let's do it!
    Also, I have never tried green smoothie, it will be in my to-do list on 1 March!
    Thanks for the inspiration! You're awesome!

    1. Thanks so much Heidi and CONGRATS on being able to do 10 push ups straight!!! That is awesome!!! I'll be sharing my green smoothies so hoping you too can experience the cleansing juice and all the vitamins it gives us. Let's do this!!! XxDani

  20. Feeling a little scared of this challenge (pushups and... ok fitness in general is a new journey for me). This will be my first challenge - so ready to give it a go!

    1. Well done Rowena, what a great step you have taken to look after your general health and fitness. We will be here cheering you along the way!!! Thanks for joining the challenge with us xxDani

  21. Hi Dani,
    Do you mean that the goal for the end of march is being able to do 100 push ups in one go?
    I usually do sets of 20 at the moment (maybe 3 or 4 sets), so would love to change it to add an extra 5 on every day like you suggested above. Does this mean my goal would be ammended to say 165 by the end of March?
    cant wait to participate!! my instagram is going to be pushup crazy! p.s i LOVE GREENS!
    excited xx
    Dani (also haha)

    1. Fantastic Dan!!! I will set out the program on Thursday but yes the idea is to increase your own push up range and by the end of Week 4 in March we will be doing over 100 push ups in that week. I am still calculating the 5 sets per week x3 times per week, so check in later on Thursday babe xxDani

  22. Hello fitness food and style,
    You truly inspire me to work out everyday. I follow you on instagram and i love your challenges! my friends and are i starting your push up your greens. and im also going to be using tons of your recipes. i love all the stuff you have on your instagram and blog. thank you for being such an insperation !

  23. Hey Dani
    I made a Green Soup perfect for this challenge tonight for dinner and linked up your page via the recipe on my blog! You've got me eating Spinach, which is no mean feat- my body thanks you!!!
    Keep up the good work
    x x x


Thank you so much for your comment, I love it! I will reply back as soon as I can.

Much love Xx Dani