
Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Day 6 - no added sugar challenge

It was a super duper hot day today. Lucky we have our pool now, huh? The only drama I am faced with these days is the leave in conditioner or treatment I need to have for having my hair wet all the time! Yeah right, like that's a real dilemma in my life.....

Seriously who has time to do their hair at school pick up time? Swoop it all up in a bun, clip one of those funky clips in it and I'm off. Just need to air out the hair and rewash and treat it with care over this hot heat and salt/chlorinated pool. Otherwise, I will be abusing my hair!
Any whooooo!!! I sound like I need some sugar, don't I?


Relatively breezy, easy, lemon squeezy here. Only because I have been down this road before and I can't stress how important it is to have a meal plan. YOU NEVER FAIL. Back in my corporate days my manager used to say plan your work, work your plan and that I did!!!!

So here I am bringing those skills to you LIVE! on Fitness Food And Style!!! :)

Organic corn flakes with almond milk and 1 banana

Hard boiled eggs x2 with sugar snap peas and cucumber

4 beans salad mix

Yogurt fondue with cantaloupe, kiwi & strawberries

Yogurt fondue

This was super refreshing today and such a great idea when you have visitors over. I sometimes also make flavoured yogurt fondue by blitzing a mango through it, or some walnuts, chia seeds etc....just for some texture when you dip your fruit in it!

BBQ meat platter with grilled vegetables and salad

BBQ meat platter with lamb chops and stuff mushrooms

I typically season our meat with S&P, crush some garlic and with lamb a sprig of rosemary in the mix. The mushrooms I also seasoned and crushed some garlic and added some beautiful Meredith Goats Cheese, sprinkled some parsley.

Avocado and coconut popsicles recipe in Sarah Wilson I QUIT SUGAR ebook

These went down a treat! Our kids are used to things looking a bit green as we typically make our SHREK or HULK smoothies after school with a banana, handful of spinach, chia seeds and milk/yogurt.

Okay, I'm off to jump in the pool to cool down. See you back here tomorrow. Nearly half way guys
Xx Dani


  1. I'm half way through a 30 days of drinking nothing but water challenge, but when I'm finished I'll do this one and try to make it somewhat permanent. I gave up sweets for about six months last year, finally gave in and ate a cookie and then I couldn't stop. It's definitely all or nothing for me. Sugar is addictive. Is there a blog post about what to look for on labels? I gave up the obvious sweets but not the hidden sugars, so I need to know what to watch out for.

    1. I'm the same Julia, all or nothing but I am hopeful that one day I am able to resist temptation and have the occasional treat. You are doing so well and well done with the water challenge, that sounds intense! Check out my recent post (sugar the addictive drug) I took pics of labels and how to look out for added sugar in the ingredients list. XxDani

  2. Hey Dani! My coworkers say I'm crazy and keep trying to temt me with things but I am just not interested in sweets and junk anymore. I love that I have more control to deny the things I use to give into! I totally agree with planning foods. It has really helped when I am hungry. I am a full time nurse and student, I'm not married nor have any children but I am all school work school gym bed and so it all over and it gets hard at times, especially when it is easier to buy bad food when I am hungy then go find healthy foods but thanks to this challenge I am seeing better results and faster results in the gym! Love it! Have a great day!

    1. Thank you Olivia, I hope you are having a great day and well done on resisting the temptation. Stick with us here for extra support as it's hard yakka when we are around those that do not support our new lifestyle. We can do this xxDani

  3. Hola Dani. We are half way. It's first time in my life that I don't fall into temptation, I haven't tasted any kind of sugar since challenge begun. I'm feeling stronger and very happy and I'm starting to think that this could be an option forever. I never thought about quitting sugar till I read your blog. That's my inspiration. Thank you again for show me the way. Kisses from Spain.

    PD: Sorry for my english.

    1. Ola! Your English is perfect! I can't speak Spanish so you are a very talented girl!!! Thank you for your kind words and I am so happy for you and your sugar free days since this challenge started, we can do this!!! Keep it up. Lots of love from Australia xxDani


Thank you so much for your comment, I love it! I will reply back as soon as I can.

Much love Xx Dani