
Friday, 1 February 2013

Day 1 - no added sugar challenge

No added sugar challenge 1st-14th February 2013

If I told you I was a bit nervous would you believe me?

I have seriously let my guard down with a serious chocolate addiction. You know that Cadbury Marvellous Creations one with the jelly popping candy beanies? Yes. Smashed the entire block last night! Like, seriously!!! I have a problem. 

I had a reader post a private message on Facebook yesterday asking how she could curb her binge eating as she typically eats healthy food. Well. That was like a letter to me, written by me! I was always like this as a child and it creeps up from time to time in my adult life now. I keep eating something if it tastes good and feet so sick afterwards from over eating. Why do I did this? I have no idea??? 

That's all about to change now.....especially that I am re-reading Sarah Wilsons I QUIT SUGAR book which I purchased last year but really didn't prepare my mind to get rid of sugar completely out of my diet. 

Okay now that I have confessed to you all. What are some of your dark sugary secrets? List them below so we can help each other combat them. I know that I am never asking my husband again to buy me chocolate EVER! Well for 14 days that seriously I need to remove myself from this as I am an all or nothing kinda chick!!! Best not go there and then temptation won't rear it's ugly head.

Planking challenge

Here are my results for last months planking challenge. 31 days of incorporating 3 sets of 1 minute planks in conjunction with my normal 1 1/2hrs of resistance and interval training per week and eating clean 80-90%!

Planking challenge #planksjan2013

Meal Planner

Here is an idea of what our weekly meal planner looks like. I will get a bit more professional and update this in a funky table so it's easier for you to read. 

Friday 1st Feb

1 Apple (grated) and cinnamon porridge

2tbs Hummus with 2-3 vegetables

Smoked salmon wrap with spinach, capers and tomatoes

Yogurt with 2 serves of fruit (3-4 strawberries, 1/2 apple, 1 pear)

Chicken (baked) rissoles with green steamed vegetables


Chicken mince
1 grated carrot
1tbs feta cubes
1 garlic minced
1 egg
chopped fresh herbs (parsley and coriander)
*Moroccan spices

*use whatever seasoning you prefer


Mix all these ingredients together and if you find the mix too sticky add either cooked quinoa, flaked oats or breadcrumbs and make into burger shapes. Refrigerate and place on non stick paper on baking tray and bake until cooked. Alternatively you may shallow fry them in olive oil or a non stick pan.

Saturday 2nd Feb

Scrambled eggs (2 eggs or 4 egg whites) with spinach, tomato and spring onions


Tuna vegetable salad
1 apple with 1.5tsp peanut butter & sprinkled cinnamon 

Beef quinoa soup with vegetables

Sunday 3rd Feb

Pear and cinnamon porridge

2 hard boiled eggs with vegetable sticks

Chicken wrap with feta, tomato, cucumber and spinach 

Tzatziki dip (yogurt, cucumber, lemon juice & garlic) with vegetable sticks and crackers

Chicken tenderloins with cauliflower, broccoli and beans

Monday 4th Feb

Waffles with ricotta and blueberries

Vegetable/fruit juice (cucumber, mint & apple)

Vegetable frittata 

Fruit smoothie with 2 serves of fruit

Vegetable and beef stir fry with 

Tuesday 5th Feb

Quinoa with 1 serve of blueberries

1 apple and handful of almonds

Vegetable beef muffins

Protein smoothie

Turkey quinoa burgers served with salad

Wednesday 6th Feb

Poached eggs with smoked salmon and asparagus 
Vegetable sticks with hummus dipping sauce

Salad in a wholemeal wrap

3 serves of fruit and handful (5-6) of walnuts

Flat head fish grilled with salad

Thursday 7th Feb

Organic corn flakes with almond milk and 1 banana

Hard boiled eggs x2 with sugar snap peas and cucumber

4 beans salad mix

watermelon with ricotta cheese

BBQ meat platter with grilled vegetables and salad

Friday 8th Feb

Mini corn pancakes with yogurt and cucumbers


180 Nutrition protein drink with 5 strawberries

Omelette vegetable pizza

yogurt with a sprinkle of toasted muesli AKA granola

Home made pizza's with vegetable and meat toppings

I am really getting into Sarah Wilson's I QUIT SUGAR ebook I am learning a lot about what all this added sugar is doing to our bodies. So for your copy simply click on the link and grab yourself a copy for some inspiration and awesome recipe ideas.

Please leave a comment below and share how you survived Day 1 of our no added sugar challenge. I'll be posting daily so add your new comments there. 

Xx Dani


  1. OMG we could of totally had a popping candy party last night I ate that exact chocolate last night. I think I was in a 'let's eat all the sugar' frenzy just at the thought of today!

    Chocolate is my weakness but the biggest thing I am set to kick is softdrink. I'm an addict but I know it has a massive effect on me and I need to kick it. I was also shocked as I set out to have breakfast this morning how much sugar is in everything. I've survived on vegies, nuts, salad and 1 piece of fruit today. I think it will take a few days to really get used to what I can and can't eat. At this point on day 1 I'm close to ready to pop myself into a medically induced coma for the next 14 days :)

    I'm sure this will get better.....

    1. You sure will my friend, I'm reading the IQS book which goes through shocking our body when giving up sugar. Very interesting stuff! You hit the nail on the head too!! It is a drug and that's why I don't want to become the dealer to our children by loading their meals up with sugar!!! Thanks for joining the challenge, look forward to doing this together! XxDani

  2. I am a little scared, since I am in the US my challenge actually starts in the morning. I am a wine junkie. I have no problem letting go of anything else but wine is my nemesis. I am hoping that this challenge will help me crave an control that taste a little. Why can;t they make a wine with no sugar and no alcohol that taste like wine. I tell my husband that everyday., Ugh! good luck everyone, I know I'll be in pain but it will be worth it!

    1. We will get through this Terri and yes it's going to bring out the monster outta of us as we will get withdrawal symptoms but WE CAN DO THIS!!! XxDani

  3. I realllllly wanted that caramel latte at gloria jeans this morning, but I stuck to water. Yesterday I ate the entire packet of malteasers to myself over the course of the day. Really want to see if I can go without added sugar for two weeks.....Good luck all!

    1. WOW Hayley!!! You sound like me! We all sound like......addicts!!! Seriously how bad does it sound when we write this all down? I hope I don't crash and can prove this is doable (even after smashing the entire block of chocolate last night?) XxDani

  4. I am lucky in that sweets and chocolates are not my biggest weaknesses. I could easily go without them MOST of the time (my downfall is carbs without a doubt). However I do love drinking multiple cups of tea each day - with added sugar. And I'm sort of proud of myself that I've lasted this long today without putting extra sugar in my tea - or anything else.

    In saying that - night time is usually the worst time for me. Good luck everybody!

    Hannah :) @han_bam

    1. Thanks Hannah, you are right it's the small things that add up in our total day of the added "fructose" sugar. I am slowly learning as I read the IQS book. Thanks for joining our challenge and yes can do this and have each other on here to journal how our day is going xx Dani

  5. I'm totally addicted to sugar. I know it and I know that it has such a negative impact on my body and my mood. I also had gestational diabetes while recently pregnant so I know I'm at risk for Type II. I was so glad to have found this challenge as a slow way to go about overcoming this addiction! It starts in the morning for me (US) and I'm nervous and excited! I also plan to incorporate your plank challenge for the month of February as well! We'll see if I can hang in there with both!!!

    1. Thank you and welcome Nicole!! Congratulations on your baby news too! It is amazing how we as parents are the drug dealers of this very addictive drug at such a young age. I do hope as parents we can lead the way to our future children. Keep in touch xxDani

  6. I have been struggling with chocolate for the last three months, eating massive amounts on an almost daily basis. Prior to that I had been fooling myself with having just one or maybe two, okay three if it was a bad day small pieces of chocolate and at some point it escalated into a binge fest and chocolate becoming part of my daily diet.

    But I recently read an article on moderators and abstainers. Although moderation seems the more mature approach it just doesn't work for some people. But even for natural abstainers the act of forbidding something makes it all the more attractive which is setting yourself up for failure. The trick is to make it positive not negative.

    And so I am now FREE from chocolate :) The longer I go without it, the easier it is to resist. Of course at this point I am not strong enough to have any in the house but that will come with time.

    I also have to admit that the rest of my diet hasn't been perfect - too much wheat and a little sugar - but the point is that I am chocolate free. Five days and counting. And that is a really big deal for me.

    1. THAT IS HHHHHUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGEEEEEEE!!!! I am so proud of you Alexandra!!! I have been chocolate free to for 3 days so I am with you, I can't have it in the house and have told my husband never to buy me chocolate even when I sincerely ask him from the bottom of my heart. Keep strong babe and lets touch base here daily to encourage one another. I will be posting Day 3 shortly so I look forward to hearing how you have been going xxDani

  7. I am not a sweet tooth at all I have easter eggs still from last easter. I am a savoury girl. Went to the supermarket today to stock up for the week and can not believe when you look at the labels just how sugar is either the first or second listing on the ingredients. Looking forward to making the chocolate cake Dani recommends just for emergency cravings. Heres to a inspiring day 2. Mel

    1. I know!! I have recently just come across an amazing app called SWITCH FOOD so I am beeping in the supermarket all the time now comparing what I used to buy vs what is a more healthier alternative.

      Let me know how you go with that chocolate cake, remember only a slice Mel :-)


  8. Doing this with my mum and at around 4pm we had a massive fight and both of us just started laughing because we realised its our 'tea and biscuit' time and we couldn't have it!! Anyway started my day with a banana and spinnich smoothie, then had sushi for lunch, a handful of raspberries for afternoon tea with almonds and a cup of tea (can't live without it) and then a steak and spinnich salad with seasme oil for dinner and another cup of tea(no sugar!) while my brothers ate white choc and blueberry scones!!
    Sorry for the essay but I love knowing what everyone eats for ideas and help through this!
    Thanks Dani, night time is the hardest!! X

    1. This is excellent, we all need to see how we are swapping our old habits with new ones. So the more info you share, the better. I can't wait to set up my blog in a way where it is a resource page for everyone and we can all share our day and how we are coping without sugar or anything to do with exercise and also fashion! Where to buy the bargains, what are people wearing etc....I am super excited and getting to know you all!!!

      Night time, try and have some herbal tea or a few almonds just to re-train your brain!!!

      WE CAN DO THIS!!! XxDani

  9. Good morning friends from Toronto, Canada. To say I have a sweet tooth is an understatement but to help me prepare for the next 2 weeks i went through all my hiding places and either threw out all the candy and chocolate i had or I brought them into work and handed them out to my co workers explaining what i was about to go through. I have made big strides over the last few months however to essentially eat chocolate that is at least 70% cocoa and organic. The milk chocolate variety is now way too sweet for me but its not say that i can't easily get back to that place. With 3 kids under the age of 11, my eldest being an avid baker, this challenge will be just that..A CHALLENGE, but i want to make every effort to find natural substitutions so that i can continue to bake with my kids too. Thanks Dani - you are my daily inspiration in this very cold part of the world (-10 degree celsius this morning!). My weakness is custards and creams - wonder if there is sugar free way to still have this no...must be strong! Good luck everyone! Dani I look forward to your inspiring words and recipes.
    Pina Armata

    1. YES!!! I do have a custard solution for you, its also on my blog if you use the search box (top left hand corner) and type custard.

      500 ml (2 cups /17 fl oz) milk (see note)
      2 whole free range/organic eggs
      2 teaspoons vanilla bean extract
      2 tablespoons organic maple syrup or 1 tablespoon honey
      1 tablespoons cornflour or kudzu
      pinch nutmeg
      Heat milk in a saucepan with vanilla and honey and bring to almost boiling point, then remove from the heat.
      Beat the eggs and cornflour in a stainless steel mixing bowl until combined.
      Pour the hot milk over the eggs and whisk in well.
      Pour the egg mixture back into the saucepan and cook over a gentle heat, stirring with a wooden spoon until it thickens and coats the back of the spoon.
      Remove from the heat quickly and pour back into the mixing bowl.
      Whisk well to cool a little and smooth it out. If you see any lumps then strain through a sieve.
      Serve hot or cold and enjoy. Serves 6

      Instead of cream substitute with Ricotta cheese.

      GOOD LUCK babe and great preparation to avoid all this sugar stuff! I look forward to reading more tomorrow and let me know how you go with the custard!!! XxDani

  10. Good morning Dani! I'm excited for this challenge already! I can agree with you on the *chocolate* note. That is actually what drew my attention to this challenge in the first place. I eat primarily vegan, with the exception of farm fresh eggs once in awhile, but I have such a sweet tooth for vegan chocolate & ice cream! So I'm excited to kick it! Also, would you mind if I promoted this challenge on my blog? I'd like to update about it as well. & link you of course! :)<3 LMK.

    ~Sitara Bird

    1. Absolutely honey feel free to share it even with your friends on Facebook. Just wanting to get the awareness out there that there are certain foods we can avoid that have added sugar! Welcome and I am super excited to be doing this challenge with you xxDani

  11. I am VERY anxious but excited as well. I wasn't a big sweets either as a child, but now as an adult I catch myself eating a chocolate a day, and I'm just like whoa! Where did thay come from? I woke up this morning craving a big ol' caramel latte! And right before leaving my class and going to buy my latte I realized HELLO you can't have that!
    Sooo we all get tempted what is done with the temptation is hard buuut makes you feel really good when you make a good choice!
    Good luck to you all!
    Count down to the new, sugarfree us begins!♡

    1. Yes!!! Let the count down begin!!! Let me how you go are going in my daily posts so we can see how we are all travelling day by day xxDani

  12. Day 1 good so far. Irish oats with Flax, and cinnamon. Black coffee. Sliced cheese.
    Pork Loin tonight with roasted Broccoli, sweet potato, brussell sprouts, and carrots.
    Thanks Dani.

    ~ Diana S.

    1. You're most welcome and great start my friend. Keep it up xxDani

  13. Day 1 is going great so far. Oatmeal with cinnamon, lemon green tea. Then some roasted chicken breast with broccoli, peas, and brown rice.
    I originally found out about this diet from Instagram, since I follow your posts you do on there and I am happy to say that I feel excited about this challenge and that I really wanted to elminate the sugar problem I have. I don't really ever add sugar to anything but I have a bad habit of drinking juices to keep myself away from soda. So thanks for the motivation everyday on Instagram keep up the great work.

    1. Hi Kelli, great to know and thanks so much for the follow. By supporting one another, we can beat this sugar addiction xx

  14. I just started a few minutes ago, wish me luck!

    1. Thank you,on day 3!!! Hope you have an awesome day and thank you for starting this challenge :)

  15. Is Stevia allowed for the sugarless babes?

  16. Good results on the planking - was wondering if it made a difference, very motivating. Totally now where you coming from on the choc front. Was doing really well before Christmas, then chocolates gifts a plenty got me hooked again and once the box was open ..... it's all or nothing for me! So will check out the ebook.

    1. Let me know how you go! I have found it fab so far! XxDani

  17. i locked up and hid my dried mangos and gummy multivitamins last i had steamed broccoli for breakfast a few raw almonds and after my workout i had a shake with spinach, hemp protein blueberries and unsweetened almond milk.....some spaghetti squash for dinner later!! so far so good, but i'm so sad not to have ketchup with my eggs in the mornings!

    1. Excellent Lacy, doing so well babe. Keep it up xxDani

  18. Yesterday was a success for me. I had 1/2 of sugar free cottage cheese, a banana and 2 egg whites. For lunch I had some steak, black beans, and some celery. For my snack I did have an apple and for dinner I had some kale soup that I made! I am not very much an add sugar to my coffee and have a sweet tooth kind of girl, but I found it hard yesterday knowing that I am doing this challenge that I can't have sugar. I was craving it. What I found helpful was staying away from the kitchen and chewing a sugar free piece of gum. Today day two, I have made me some green tea, black coffee (I'm a caffeine junkie) and 3 egg whites with tomato, spinach, and onion. For my snack I will have a protein shake, lunch is made, I will have a tuna salad, and I have my cucumber and carrots ready for my afternoon snack. I haven't decided on dinner yet but it will consist of vegetables and steak. I am guessing stir fry. It seems like it is getting easier to chose to not eat sugar but it is only day 2. So far though, I am loving it!

    1. Excellent Olivia, keep going and come back again to report on how your day went. xxDani

  19. You mention "yogurt" various times in your menu for the 2 week challenge.
    What yogurt do you purchase? doesn't it have sugar?

    1. Hi Brooklynn, I purchase whatever yogurt contains the less sugar in the nutritional table and of course has no added sugar in the ingredients list. XxDani

    2. Ok! That makes sense! (that's what I was assuming anyway!)
      I am LOVING the challenge and joining y'all from WA State! Thanks for your inspiration!!

  20. Oh, my the second day I felt it!! I was SUPER CRANKY!!!I hardly ever crave ice cream due to the fact I don't like milk!! But sweets was the only thing that I could think about. It was especially hard yesterday because we have a girl scout that sold us cookies and my mom set them out on the table! I wanted one sooo bad but I didn't have one. I thought about discipline, and how I need to over come the hardest times which is right now. I do feel week and drank about 2 gallons of water yesterday to help feel full. A trick that I needed was to chew sugar free gum when I felt like completely giving up. Problem I'm having this morning for day 3 is breakfast. I DO NOT KNOW what to make! I keep craving pancakes and these sweets! Usually fruit or oats or cereal is what I crave in the morning but not this morning! My mind is blocked by my cravings but I'll figure it out. I know this takes discipline and dedication, and I am all in! Good way to strengthen those two things! Hopefully today is a good day! Wishing well to everyone!

    1. Thank you Olivia and yes it's all about discipline and you are doing a super job!! XxDani

  21. So i overcame yesterday!! When i was writing yesterdays blog, i felt like i didnt have the will to go on but i did it! It was soo hard being around super bowl food and not giving in. I feel like if i overcame that the next week will be easier! Today, i have to go to the store and shop for some added sugar free yoghurt what kind is the best? I also was going to ask what kind of wraps do you use that is added sugar free? Im really starting to think is really possible. I still feel weak and shaky is this normal?

    1. Yes it is normal. It's all the toxins being released and your body going into shutdown mode from no added sugar. Get plenty of water in you and exercise when you can. The yogurt I typically get is greek or natural yogurt as both labels don't have added sugar. As you know milk has a natural sugar so you will see this in the nutritional box e.g: 5gms, and that's ok. It's those other yogurts that have 26gms and are loaded with sugar but say they are 97% fat free!!!!
      With our wraps we are very lucky in Australia to have a brand with no added sugar. Perhaps try and find in some other supermarkets or health food stores.
      Also Olivia, for your future comments please post in my daily post eg: Day 5 ~ no added sugar rather than coming back to Day 1. XxDani


Thank you so much for your comment, I love it! I will reply back as soon as I can.

Much love Xx Dani