
Thursday, 24 January 2013

No added sugar challenge 1st - 14th February

Here it is. Another challenge coming up next month.

Sugar free challenge 2013

Are you in??? If so please ensure you subscribe to my blog (add your email address in the top right side bar box) to register for this challenge and never miss a blog post!

It's back!!!! The sugar free challenge we all did last year was such a success, simply follow the guidelines we did last year. Any questions you may have please list them under the CHALLENGES tab or on my posts here over the 14 days.


The rules of this challenge are simple. It's based on a honesty system, so if you cheat you are only doing it to yourself. Also be kind to yourself if you have never done this before. If you slip up, simply get back on track and eliminate the sugar for the remaining challenge. We are all here supporting one another either via Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. So we are only a key stroke away!!! 

We will have 2 teams:

Fruits of life 

We are not to have any foods that have added sugar of any kind. This also includes the added natural sugars eg: honey, maple syrup etc.... If it has added sugar of any kind, we won't be eating it. This also applies to any and ALL artificial sweeteners. Excludes protein powders as majority of them have artificial sweeteners or stevia etc...

Sugar-less babes 

You are allowed to have the natural sugars eg: honey, maple syrup, stevia (and those of you that REALLY need 1 tsp sugar in your coffee or whatever) this is only allowed once a day. Can you imagine if you had a coffee, then a smoothie, plus fruit and other foods that have natural sugars etc.... you really wouldn't be doing a sugar free challenge then would you?

Both teams are allowed:
  • 3 servings of fruit per day*
  • Ensure you have a smoothie per day to combat our cravings and also to keep our energy levels up!

*Fruit serve examples: 1 banana, 1 apple, 1/2 cup of berries etc...

NB: For those that wish to eliminate fruit as it does contain plenty of natural sugars, we need to acknowledge it is also a part of our healthy eating plan. This is your choice. Fruits of life team only avoid dried fruits.

I think it is also important for us to have a smoothie per day to curb any sugar withdrawal symptoms so please share your most favourite ones. When you have your smoothie per day, don't forget to count this as part of your 3 serves of fruit per day!

Here's a fave green smoothie of mine:

Yogurt or milk with 180 Nutrition coconut protein powder
1tsp chia seeds 
1 cup of spinach 
1 banana
1/2 cup fresh or frozen berries

This smoothie would count as 2 serves of fruit for the day, therefore I am allowed 1 more piece of fruit. Get what I mean?

Our main goal is to GIVE UP the added sugars in the ingredient list. So don't worry about the % of sugar found per grams in the label, rather check in the ingredients that there has been NO ADDED SUGAR! This includes your tomato sauce AKA ketchup! It also includes the like of your dried cranberries as they are loaded with sugar!!!! 

Handy tips

1). Remove any food items you may have around your house that contain sugar. I typically put sugary foods in a box hidden so I avoid any temptation ;-) 

2). Be prepared with food. Always prepare or carry relatively healthy snacks and ensure you eat before you go out anywhere. 

3). Try to eat as clean as you can

4). Eat at least 5 meals per day eg: bfast, snack, lunch, snack & dinner

5). For support post your comments here on the blog, FB, Instagram or Twitter so we can help one another

6). Get out and exercise. If you're feeling stressed or craving sugar do some star jumps, resistance training, cardio, go for a run! WHATEVER you like/enjoy doing as long as you don't put that chocolate bar in your mouth :-)

7). Let's share some of our handy tips to prepare for our 2 week sugar free challenge. Please list them below

8). It would also be worth while to measure yourself eg: hips, waist and those of you that have a muffin top ;) this is around your belly button. This will be more powerful than the number you weigh on your scales but feel free to stat those down as well. It's amazing how many cm's & inches are lost in 2 weeks. You will be amazed!!! 

9). This can be a 14 day challenge or an entire February challenge, the choice is yours!

Meal Planner Calendar 

Many have asked about meal planners and what types of foods you should be eating. I will endeavour to do a planner before our challenge commences. This will just give you some ideas on what foods I eat and you feel free to tailor your own for the 2 week challenge. I will be posting the food I eat over the 14 days so stop by for some inspiration. 

In closing, just a reminder you need to subscribe to my blog (place your email address in the top right side box) to register for this challenge and never miss a blog post!


For those needing inspiration with recipes go check out I QUIT SUGAR by Sarah Wilson. It's a fabulous reference as she has completely cut out sugar in her diet, COMPLETELY!!!! 

Sugar free challenge

Let the games begin.....on Friday the 1st of February 2013. 

Xx Dani


  1. Hi dani I can't wait! Just one question I can't see where the barbox is to subscribe to your blog?

    1. Top right hand side in a box called NEVER MISS A POST!! under the disclaimer tab. Are you on a smartphone or pc? It may not appear on there sometimes. Let me know how you go xxDani

  2. If you are using a smart phone or iPad, scroll to the very bottom of the home page and click 'view web version'. You should get the right format of page with the box in the top right xxxx

  3. I'm in....... I am planing on competing in may for sports model so this will help me in my journey xx

    1. That is sensational!!! You're going to do so well xxDani

  4. I'm in! I love this idea. Representing France by the way ;) lets do this! Xxx

    1. Merci !!!! Yes together WE CAN ALL DO THIS!!! xxDani

    2. YES WE CAN! And I've decided to add the plank challenge for myself, sooo sad i've missed it, but it's never too late. I choose fruits of life. xx Olivia

    3. Xx how are you going Olivia? Day 10 is over for us and it's Day 11. WE CAN DO THIS!!! XxDani

  5. I'm in. I'm a sugar addict as challenging myself to cut out added sugar for a month may really help file down my sweet tooth!!

    1. Yes I know what you mean Jessica, I have dropped the ball also so I am super excited to be doing this challenge with you xx

    2. Dani,

      Im in babe, just signed up but I brought the book on the weekend, working afterhours is the hardest part and here at work they have a bloody vending machine!!!
      Time to test my endurance and self control.
      Courts xx

    3. How you tracking Courts? Day 10 is over and starting Day 11. We can do this!! XxDani

  6. Im in .. I'm so excited

  7. Im in! its gonna be very hard since im a sugar addict! but i know its not impossible im excited to see the difference! i will not cheat because like you said i will only cheat myself!!!! i need to get rid of this tummy!!!! -les

    1. Great to hear babe, you will thank your body after 2 weeks and it's all about trial and error. Keep trying if harder if you feel you are going to crack and come here for additional support or on IG, Facebook or Twitter. WE CAN DO THIS!!! XxDani

  8. I'm super excited to try this! it's going to be difficult, but I feel like after the first week, i'll be okay(: can't wait!
    - IG @lalalydonia

    1. Me too Lydonia!!! It is hard but so worth it in the end. I still get tempted but it gets easier. Believe me, I was a chocolate addict like every night!!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!! Xx Dani

  9. Can you eat for example cottage cheese?

    1. If it has no added sugar than yes. We are basically avoiding all those other foods that have added sugar. XxDani

  10. Ok so finally registered and subscribed. Team 'sugar babes' for me. Bring it!

    1. WOO HOO! Great to have you on board!!! Feel free to come here and post how you are travelling throughout your day and any help you need yell out!!! XxDani

  11. Registered. How choose the team?

    1. Excellent!! Welcome, you simply advise here on the blog and if you prefer to be anonymous that's fine otherwise we are all here supporting one another XxDani

  12. Awesome!! Can't wait to get started! Myself and the girls from - in Brisbane will be having a crack!!

    1. Great girls!!! Looking forward to doing this challenge with you xxDani

  13. Thank you for your answer. I choose 'fruits for life', if i´m going to do it, i'll do it well¡¡¡

    1. You are most welcome!! That is why I am here xxDani

  14. Thank you for your answer. I choose 'fruits for life', if i´m going to do it, i'll do it well¡¡¡

    1. Indeed!! Same rule applies to me ALL OR NOTHING!!!! XxDani

  15. hei, well i was going to create the event on facebook, and i wanted so put your blog and some other accounts that inspire people and push them to make a change, so i was wondering if you want me to put your blog ?

    1. Thank you beautiful that would be great and thank you for posting on your blog as well. The more the merrier, let's share the love with this white devil powder by eating more supportive foods. XxDani

  16. Ready for the challenge, countdown from Spain!!!!

    1. OLA!!!!!! Thanks for joining!!! I can't wait xxDani

  17. So proetin shake allowed? For my pre- & post-workout meal

    1. Yes sweetie unless you want to park that particular protein powder over the 2 weeks just to see the comparison? Otherwise as stated in the guidelines, most protein powders have artificial sweeteners. I'm so glad I have moved across to a protein powder that only uses natural ingredients and stevia as the sweetener.

      WELCOME!!!! XxDani

  18. Hi! I am in! :) Already signed up via Instagram, but didn't know if I needed to sign up here as well.. :)
    Really looking forward to this! :)
    All in and let's do this! :)

    1. Hi Anna, welcome and yes lets support each other here and on IG. XxDani

  19. just signed in :) yyaayy!...always tried to keep my sugar low but looooove fruits.

    one question though.... so dried fruits count as a serving of fruit? what about milk products such as yogurt with milk sugar? is that oke?

    1. Yes we all are allocated 3 serves of fruit per day. I personally will be avoiding the dried fruit as it's pretty concentrated in high sugar. Having said that it can go towards a granola mix if you are making your own muesli for an example. Super excited you have joined us XxDani

    2. Sorry Dom for missing your milk and yogurt question. I hope my response below answers this for you xxDani

  20. 'Fruits of life' for me.

  21. Soooooo excited! I think this is just what I need to JumpStart my fitness routine and get back in shape!!! Team Sugar babes for me :)))

    1. WHOOP! WHOOP! You're on my team. We can do this!!! Welcome xxDani

  22. Replies
    1. Hello Lesli, thank you for joining our sugar free challenge. Lets keep in touch via my blog for daily support xxDani

  23. I am in! Thank you for putting this together I really need the motivation. Excited to get started.

    1. You're most welcome!!! I absolutely LOVE what I am doing and it gives me such a high to have you all embrace these challenges and build such a healthy community to eating healthy!!! We can beat sugar in 14 days!!!! Even maybe forever!!!! xxDani

  24. Kraftykaterpillar here! Im in!!!! Fruits of life Baby!!!!If your gunna do something you may as well do it properly. And iv e been BAD lately. Slipping with the yoga, planks and indulging a bit too much. Your an inspiration. Thanks HUN!!!!!

    1. Thank you honey, I don't know about inspiration as I too have been smashing the cadbury marvellous creations block!!! Glad you will be joining our challenge. Share the love with your friends if you can on FB or wherever. The more the merrier. XxDani

  25. Im in :-s def will need your help. Hard for mecto choise which one.. sugarbabes or fruit of life? Some help pks :-(

    1. I'm an all or nothing kinda chickita!!! So I'm in for the fruits of life but if this is your first time please go easy on yourself and join our sugar babes. We can all support one another over here if we are about to crash and burn!! Much love from Australia xxDani

  26. So excited! My mum, my friends mum and I are all really keen. Looking forward to seeing some of your recipe's! X

    1. Awesome babe!!! I hope you like some of my recipes and those that inspire me xxDani

  27. I can't wait to test myself with this! (fruits of life)
    Thanks for creating this public challenge! xx

    1. YOU ARE MOST WELCOME!! That is why I am doing what I am doing and loving every minute of it. So happy you could join xxDani

  28. Just subscribed. Super excited for this chanllege. This would be the first time quiting sugar and I'm a chocolate lover. So let's see how this goes. :)

    1. You are doing a super job (as I devour my last piece of chocolate as I type this). The white devil has reared his ugly head again at our house so I can first handedly say, I'm addicted. However tomorrow is a new day!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!! XxDani

  29. Chandre Van De Merwe31 January 2013 at 14:56

    I cant wait. I have been battling with my weight ever since ive started university so i really wanna challenge myself and see whether of not i can do it. EVEN got my boyfriend to try it! CANT WAIT:)

    1. Awesome!! Let me know how you guys are tracking in my daily posts. I will be posting day 3 today so let me know how things are going with you and your boyfriend xxDani

  30. Chandre Van De Merwe31 January 2013 at 15:01

    ill be on the FRUITS OF LIFE team

    1. YAY!! I am an all or nothing kinda a girl as well xxDani

  31. Can't wait to start!!! Yay ! bye bye sugar

    1. Welcome Lissette and yes cao, arivdeci, zbogom with that dreaded addictive substance!! Please post your daily movements on my daily posts eg: Day 1, Day 2 etc.... so we can keep across how we are all doing xxDani

  32. I just subscribed! Team sugarbabe for me! Can't wait to see the results and I would like to see your meal planner calendar if its possible. Question the main fruits I eat are, bananas, strawberres & blueberries. I usuales eat my fruits before 3pm and no.more fruit after 3pm. Is that a good idea. Excited for the challenge and excited to see results with before and after pictures. Hope to hear from you soon.xoxo

    1. Thank you so much for joining and yes I will endeavour to share my meal planner over the 2 weeks. We are allocating 3 serves of fruit per day. I have my meals whenever, as I have never found them to hinder my progress. Having said that, pasta and too much bread does bloat me so I have these on occasions. We can do this!!!! Thanks again for coming by and posting, it means the world to me Xx Dani

  33. Im in Dani, Fruits of Life team. Just a quick question....Are we allowed dried fruits (Figs dates cranberries raisons)? Cheers Ali

    1. Hiya Ali, I personally will avoid them as they are typically loaded with concentrated "natural" sugar, however I don't see why a handful of cranberries over some granola would be a drama. Just don't do it everyday :-) XxDani

  34. I quit sugar in October & haven't looked back - I read Sarah Wilson's blog & David Gillespie's book. I have more energy, buzz and I even sleep better! Good luck to everyone taking this challenge!

    1. SENSATIONAL!!!! I want to be like you!! Thanks for sharing xxDani

  35. I'm in. Sugar-less babes for me. I don't think I could give up the fruit or the honey on my oatmeal :D

    1. No, I am the same however I am trying to see if I can go without honey and replace with the natural stevia sweetener. Welcome xx Dani

  36. I'm in :-) will try my best to live without added sugar :-)

    1. Thanks Eva, welcome and lets see if we can both do this xxDani

  37. 1 serving is count by 1 fruit or? What abt a small persimmon weigh abt 60g consider?

    1. Sure, one serve is 1 apple, pear or whatever piece of fruit. Alternatively 1/2 cup of berries so whatever weight that works out to be should be fine. Welcome xxDani

  38. journeyofafitmom1 February 2013 at 03:08

    Alrighty i'm all registered and excited to join this challenge. I like to think I have been doing pretty good with trying to keep out too many added sugars on my fitness journey but lately i've been falling back into the trap and I'm sure as I go thru this challenge, I'll find more things I've been eating have added sugars than I thought lol... I think I'm going to go with the "FRUIITS OF LIFE" TEAM.. as I want to see how i'll do cutting out artificial sweetners as well. I typically use stevia in the raw in my coffee a couple of times a day or if I eat plain yogurt... ... I did have a question though; why is cutting out the artificial sweetners better as far as trying to follow a no added sugar diet?

    1. Hello babe, thanks for your patience and I will try to answer your question to the best of MY knowledge;

      Why is cutting out the artificial sweetners better as far as trying to follow a no added sugar diet?

      I ditched artificial sweeteners from my diet a few years ago (don't get me wrong I sometimes have diet drinks when I am out celebrating or planned indulgences when we go out for dinner). Majority of the time I am a mineral and fresh lime kinda of a drinker!

      The reason I quit the artificial sweeteners was not because I was having any adverse reactions. I personally saw it as another addiction of mine (I would buy sugarless lollies, gum etc...) and also think it's something so unnatural. Surely it must have damaging effects on our body??
      Whether they are immediate or long term I am unsure. Saying this their is growing evidence (I just googled) linking artificial sweeteners with:

      Obesity/Weight Gain
      Insulin Resistance
      Psychological Disorders (Anxiety, Depression and Brain Fog)
      Sugar Addiction

      So that's my opinion and thoughts on why I would much rather have the natural sugars in food rather than adding the artificial ones. Hope this makes some sense? XxDani

  39. heee dani

    as i had asked further up... I am not very sure about milk products and milk sugar? because even plain (non-greek) yogurt has sugar in it.


    1. Hi Dominique, milk has a natural sugar in it so when yogurt is made it also contains sugar. Your are simply avoiding products that have ADDED SUGAR in the ingredients label. For example my yogurt ingredients reads:


      No sugar is added however the NUTRITIONAL TABLE reads:

      -sugars 7.2g (per 100g) serve

      I hope this answers your question. XxDani

    2. dankeschƶƶn

      I figuered since I started to reduce refined sugar long time ago and reduced sweeteners of all kind a while ago too I crave more yogurt maybe excatly for the milk sugar :/

      awwwww...... but of course I watch what kind of yogurt and only natural with minimal sugar.

      other than that...I've been doing pretty well ;)

      did you know there is even 'sugar' in almondmeal?^^ found that out whilst baking :(

    3. Excellent!! keep up the great work Dominique xx

  40. I follow @littlemissnutrition on instagram and have become more and more interested about this challenge. I came to the blog and am happy I did! I am joining team 'sugar babes' since this will be my first challenge. Thanks to everyone who posted here. You all helped motivate me to do this!!!!

    1. AWESOME and welcome!! We are all here to help one another out. So feel free to add your comments as I post daily over the 14 days. Day 3 will be posted later so come by and tell me how your day is going without added sugar!!! xxDani

  41. Yay, first day of the challenge!! :) Quick question though...what about Larabars? 22g of sugar, yikes! Since dates have so much sugar, and I have a lot of them at the moment, can I freeze them? I am only going to have fruit in my morning green smoothie, and only 2-3 different types of low-sugar fruit. Any advice? Thanks and good luck everyone!! <3 :)

    1. Sorry for the delay in answering your question Leya. Our kids have been a little unwell and my time on the computer has been a bit limited, truly sorry.

      I am avoiding buying these types of bars however I would much rather them than a bar of chocolate (you know what I mean). When I make my own lara bars, I ensure that I have more seeds, nuts, coconut etc.... than the dried fruits. There are many recipes out there. I will post my fave one as well.

      Having said that, I really don't see a huge problem with your lara bars as long as it's within your calorie intake, they tick all the right boxes as they are all natural and your body will turn it all into glucose.

      Hope this helps!

  42. I'm so excited for the challenge but I don't know what I 'm allowed to eat! I want to be team fruits of life but I need help before I shop! Please answer if I can eat the following: Whole wheat bread, peanut butter, yogurt, cheese, milk, pasta?

    1. I'm hoping you have received my posts on what food we eat. In relation to your questions choose bread with no added sugar. This also applies for peanut butter, yogurt, cheese and milk. Even though dairy carries a natural sugar content in the nutrition information, that's ok. Just watch for the ingredients list that it doesn't have added sugar. With pasta switch to wholemeal xxDani

  43. Replies
    1. Yay Rilla!!! How are you going with 10 days without no added sugar? xxDani

  44. this is amazing

    1. I am so glad you think so! How are you going without sugar these past 10 days? xxDani

  45. Just signed up for the challenge - so excited! Now have 22 minutes to decide if I'm Team Sugarbabes or Team Fruits of Life! One questions - how do diet soft drinks fare? They only have sweeteners rather than sugar in so I'm not sure if I'm allowed them or not. Don't know if I can survive 14 days without Diet Coke!

    Thanks for the challenge and the inspiration.

    1. since it clearly says: This also applies to any and ALL artificial sweeteners. (for fruits of live team) it seems obvisous that diet soft drinks aren't allowed.
      if you wouldn't want to cut them off your daily routine you'd need to join Sugarlessbabes.

    2. What isn't obvious is whether you can have diet soft drinks even with Team Sugarlessbabes since artificial sweeteners don't count as 'natural sugars eg: honey, maple syrup, stevia'.

      I've made up my own mind about it, but I thought the whole point of this blog was to support and help each other not make people feel stupid for asking a question.

    3. Don't feel stupid for asking questions Alice, I am learning every day.

      I will try and answer all these questions (and thank you for my readers that are assisting me as well) as soon as possible. This journey of mine (eg: blogging) is super new and I didn't realise what a response I would be getting. So I apologise for the late reply. Managing a household of 6 people and 4 kids under 7 years leaves me limited time on the computer.

      So to answer your question Alice, yes, we are trying to avoid artificial sweeteners in the fruits of life team but the sugar less babes can have these as I realise some people out there have NEVER gone without sugar. I didn't want them to have a huge shock to their system. Progress not perfection. I am only basing this challenge on what I know so any more info, I will be sure to update.

      I will also try and do a post regarding what types of foods to avoid and thank you so much for coming to my blog xxDani

    4. Alice, I didn't mean to offend. I am not english native so sometimes they way I'd be saying something in german sounds aggressive in english. :) Try your best to reduce diet drinks since there is a million delisicous options to get a 'sweet' drink such as cooled tea with slices of orange or lemon or any other fruit. trust me, tastes very yummy and if you want you can still add some honey when still warm. :D

    5. Thank you for replying Dominique and Alice I hope you have reduced your soda intake even if it's been sweetened by artificial flavours (even though this is allowed for the sugarless babe) we just want to see if we can live without all that added sweetness. Progress not perfection. Let me know how you are going and perhaps jump on my latest daily posts eg: Day 10 so everyday we can support each other on recent posts and not come back to this one. I just don't want to miss any questions. Thanks for joining our no added sugar challenge, keep going xxDani

  46. Day one here we go! I am amazed at how many different foods have added sugar. I cant even have a tic tac!!

    1. How are you going Emina? Are you being strong at avoiding no added sugar foods? Would love to hear from you xx Dani

  47. I'm excited about starting the challenge today however I don't know what I can eat! Sorry for the dumb question but if a product lists "sugar" in their ingredients does that mean it's not allowed? For example, tinned tuna and Chobani yoghurt both have sugar in their ingredients. There must be sugar in just about everything we eat!! Help!!

    1. I hope you have been receiving my daily posts on no added sugar, you can also check my other food entries of what I eat to give you some ideas for you to buy your food. Yes it is pretty tricky when most foods carry sugar! Just look out for those that actually have the sugar in their ingredients list. Let me know how you are going in my daily posts. Day 10 was yesterday so touch base in that post so we don't have to come back here to Day 1. WE CAN DO THIS!! xxDani

  48. Are you allowed to eat sushi and drink coke zero?

    1. Yes and if you are in the sugarless babes team then artificial sweeteners are allowed if you desperately can't live without coke zero. However the aim of this challenge is to reduce those types of drinks long term. I hope you can join us and please update how you are going with my recent daily posts e.g.: Day 10 my post from yesterday xxDani

  49. Hi, can you please tell me how we know which team we're in?

    1. it is up to you :) whatever you believe you are capable of doing :) Go for it!

  50. Just joined today and excited to do the challenge!!

    1. WELCOME!!! So glad you could join us. Simply follow my day by day posts so we can all place comments to encourage one another over the challenge Xx Dani

  51. How I do subscribe to a team?

    1. You simply need to just add it in your comments as we share our thoughts every day in my daily posts. You can subscribe to my blog to receive these posts daily so we can all encourage one another and see how we are doing. Welcome!! XxDani

  52. First day overcome. Ready for next¡¡¡ Kisses from Spain.

    1. Thank you so much darling, you are beautiful!!! I love reading these messages. We can do this and thank you all for your patience as I try and reply to all your questions xx Dani

  53. There are still many questions here left unanswered. I thought this was supposed to be a helpful and supportive blog? Why are you not replying to questions here. The rules of the challenge do not come across as entirely clear for some newbies who are keen to make a change and get to understand healthy eating and live a healthier life. It's day 2 already and you've completely ignored questions people are asking, reaching out to you for your knowledge and advice. It's kind of off putting for this whole blog and what you claim to be all about! Instead, some people here are left feeling dumb for asking silly questions, which is not right AT ALL!

    1. I am super sorry for missing these questions, I will endeavour to answer them ASAP. I have been inundated with so many questions here, Facebook and Instagram and my 4 kids keeping saying "Mum can you please come play with us and get off the computer!!".

      I am here for you all and I am sincerely grateful that this response is huge, so I will ensure I manage my time a bit better and answer questions to my beautiful readers.

      Thank you so much for your feedback and I do hope you come again or at least continue with the no added sugar challenge xx Dani

  54. I'm in! Representing Serbia, it seems like I'm the only one. I'm in team Fruits of Life and I hope everything goes smoothly and well for everyone. Good luck :)

    1. Super Natalija!!! Ima jos ovde nasi sto rade challange!!! Bas mi je drago!!! Ako imas jos prijatelji tamo u Srbiju molim te stavi na tvoj Facebook page i reci im da nas prate!!! Pusa iz Australije xx Dani

    2. Hocu, preporucicu drugaricama, trebale bi i one da se malo pozabave sa ovim challenge-om. Puno poljubaca iz Srbije

    3. Hvala ti ljubavi xx Kako ide bez secera?

  55. Just a suggestion for the ones who need help, perhaps posting a list of common foods you should avoid may be a helpful and useful future post? Also maybe teach a simple way of reading food labels? This sort of info would probably stop all the questions you must be getting inundated with during this challenge :)

    1. Thanks honey, yes I think my main SUGAR CHALLENGE post doesn't explain the other foods that contain natural sugar and are ok vs the foods to keep away from that have ADDED SUGAR. You are right otherwise I'll be up all night answering the same questions. Thank you for your suggestions xxDani

  56. Another day ok. It's being hard, but I'm very proud of me for the effort I am doing. I feel that I'm going in the right direction. Thank you for show me the way. Love from Spain.

    1. Thank you darling, keep strong and please feel free to add your day to my daily posts when I post them rather than this latter post. We can then all read how we are going each day. Thanks for posting xxDani

  57. Hey do we enter this challege? Via instagram I mean. Do we tag your instagram or hashtag anything? Thank you for your time. ♥♥♥

    1. You can simply enter by subscribing to this blog and adding your daily comments in the posts that I share with you every day. Also follow us on FB, Instagram and use the hash tags #noaddedsugar #naschallenge #teamsugarlessbabes #teamfruitsoflife xxDani

  58. I don't know why my blogs haven't been posting here but I have a quick question, I want to make some wraps that you talk about. What kind of wrap is best to buy that doesn't have added sugar? Also, what about wheat pasta? Is that okay to eat? I am getting a lot better at this as it goes! I am a fruit of life person. I don't like artificial sweetener's anyway, but my problem is the breads for my turkey sandwiches, and tortillas/wraps for other things I eat. I have been avoiding all of those things, so is there any breads I can eat? Thanks Dani!

    1. Hello Olivia, I don't know which country you come from but here in Australia there are a few breads/wraps that do not contain sugar. For those breads/wraps that do it's only a small percentage e.g.: less than 3gms. I typically avoid breads these days as it makes me feel bloated, so on occasions I have them. Typically I make salads or wrap lettuces!!! XxDani

  59. Hi Dani, I completely forgot to let you know I am in on this challange. So far I havent had any added natural sugars either but I think I will join the sugarless babes. I actually have not had ANY sugar in my coffee either! Very proud of myself, lol

    1. I am very proud of you too my friend!!! Keep up the great work! XxDani


Thank you so much for your comment, I love it! I will reply back as soon as I can.

Much love Xx Dani